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Fort Faith Camp
I hereby give permission for my child to attend Junior or Jr./Sr. High Camp at Fort Faith Baptist Camp in Morley, Michigan. In the event that my child is injured or in need of medical attention I, the undersigned, give permission to the camp director, nurse, or leader to secure the appropriate medical attention and care that is necessary for my child, including first aid, hospitalization, anesthesia, emergency medical and/or surgical treatment for their safety and well-being. I agree to take full responsibility for my child’s health and behavior. If they become unwilling to cooperate (in the opinion of the camp/director) or if deemed necessary for the health and safety of the camp that they be removed, I will come to the camp and get them. A strict “no-prank” policy will be enforced. Fort Faith Baptist Camp reserves the right to deny admission due to health reasons that the camp or the church may not be equipped to handle. I will not hold Fort Faith Baptist Camp or any of the camp leaders/staff responsible for any accident, injury, or illness that should occur. The camp leaders/staff will notify me immediately of any such occurrence.
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